Mountain Biking is a sport that can have a certain risk of accidents. Therefore, please consider our policy for your safety during your trip.

Pre-tour talk.

Our guides will meet with you 24 hours before your experience, to explain in detail about the tour, the trail, the bicycles to use, etc. In addition to clear all your doubts.

Use of helmet and additional protections

Explorinka will provide you with a helmet, gloves, knee and elbow pads. It is mandatory to wear a helmet and additional protections while on the bike. Failure to wear a helmet will be treated as a serious breach of our safety policy.

Check your Bike

Our team will prepare your bike before your experience, however some mechanical problems may occur during the trip.
Before riding your bike, check the pressure of your tires, the functioning of the brakes and suspension. If you discover any damage to your bike, please inform your guide.

Effective communication

Communicate to our guides any lack of, or damage to, your protective equipment. During the tour be attentive to the guide's signs and directions. If you need to stop at an unplanned place, inform your guide beforehand.

Mechanical Failures

The team will provide mechanical support at all times in case of bike failure. If you suffer a breakdown, do not attempt to repair the damage if you are not aware of it. Inform your guide of the problem and it will be fixed immediately.


  • Use your mask correctly and at all times. It can only be removed if you are ingesting food.
  • Wash your hands frequently and use disinfectant. Disinfectant gels are available in our vehicles. Ask for it if you need it.
  • Each vehicle is disinfected at the end of the service.
  • The capacity of our vehicles is 50% according to state regulations.
  • You may not consume food while in the vehicle.